Neo Soul Food Cookbook

TAMMIE SMITH of the Richmond Times Dispatch (Virginia) reports that there’s a new cookbook out called, “Neo Soul, Taking Soul Food to a Whole ‘Nutha Level,” by Lindsey Williams.

What a title…

what a title…

what a title.

The cover design is actually quite well done. If we can get a copy we might review it on TasteTV.

I’m actually a little hungry now.

Tammie says it

“offers healthier versions of traditional Southern favorites, such as macaroni and cheese, apple cobbler, corn bread and fried chicken. The Joy Program celebration dinner included recipes from Williams’ cookbook prepared by a local catering firm.”

According to, it might be worth reading:

From the grandson of Harlem’s queen of soul food, Sylvia Woods, comes a revolution in cooking down-home foods that taste as good as you remember but with less fat, salt, and calories. Lindsey Williams knows soul food. He grew up in the kitchen of his grandmother’s restaurant, Sylvia’s, where he mastered the art of soul-food cooking. But a lifetime of biscuits, coleslaw, corn bread, and fried chicken took its toll. When the scale tipped 400 pounds, Lindsey knew it was time to make some changes. The result is Neo Soul, a new kind of cooking that brings all the flavors to the plate but slashes the fat and calories.

Now, this paperback edition contains even more delicious soul-food recipes, alongside favorites like Grandma’s Roasted Turkey, Lenzo’s Trout Stuffed with Collard Greens, Okra Gumbo, Neo Sweet Potato Pie, and Blueberry Buckle. With food this tasty, no one will miss the fat.

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