Caught in the “Almost Sexual” TV Culinary Act

TV Chefs Caught in the Act

TMZ has a funny posting about chefs looking like what they’re doing is better than sex.

Or as Details’ magazine puts it, not with a great deal of subtleness: “ORGASM OR EXCELLENT MARINARA?

What do you think?

Ever have a meal so good that you thought it was better than sex?
Well, the August issue of Details on newsstands now features a hysterical quiz which asks to see if you can tell which picture depicts a Food Network chef in a state of culinary ecstasy and which is a porn star in the middle of, er, a different type of ecstasy.

Is that Rachael Ray having a marinara meltdown or just a triple X starlet in the midst of paying her rent?

TasteTV chefs never act this way (in public, and I guess we can say, “so far”)

Apparently it was a pretty hot culinary topic, as bloggers Gawker, Slashfood, Metafilter, Instapundit, and Blogometer all picked it up.

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