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Strawberry and Blueberry Fruit Crisp


This is what you do when you have a lot of fruit around and you don’t want it to spoil before you can eat it all.

This particular recipe was inspired by an article on “Fresh Fruit Crisp “by food writer and chef Jodi Liano, but which we of course made our own by changing quite a bit of it for our own needs and tastes:


Recipe for Strawberry and Blueberry crisp:

4-7 cups of fruit (whole or cut into pieces)


2 T flour or cornstarch

3 T of sugar

1/2 cup brown sugar

3/4 cups of flour

1 T of cinnamon

1/3 cup of butter (cold, cut into pieces)


1. Put fruit, cornstarch, regular sugar in a bowl and mix together.

2. Put other dry ingredients in another bowl, then add butter pieces and mix together with your hands until the make crumbs (big and small. don’t worry about having butter lumps)


3. Put bowl of fruit into a casserole dish (or whatever you bake with) and spread around.

4. Spread the crumbs across the top


Bake at 375-385 F degrees for about 35-40 minutes. Make sure at least of the crumble topping is a bit browned, but not all of it.





You can also make a fruit cobbler very quickly as well with even less ingredients, but you have to use something that is not strawberries, since they have a lot of juices in them.

Let’s say you have some blueberries or cherries:


Fruit Cobbler

A bunch of fruit (3-7 cups)

1 stick of butter

1 cup of water

1 cup of milk

1 cup of sugar

1 cup of brown sugar

1 cup of flour

1 T baking powder

Dash of salt

2 T of cinnamon and/or nutmug


0. Heat oven to 375-385 F. Put stick of butter in casserole or baking pan, and place in oven to melt

1. Put flour, brown sugar, salt, baking power and milk in a bowl and mix into a batter. Add spices.

2. In a saucepan add water and sugar and fruit. Bring to boil and let cook on med-high for about 10 minutes (so it reduces a bit)

3. Take casserole from oven, and pour batter into dish over butter. Do not mix, just spread it evenly.

4. Pour fruit and syrup from saucepan over batter. Do not mix, just spread evenly. DO NOT MIX.

5. Bake for 35-40 minutes until top is  crust is brown (crust will rise up around the fruit)


Done… now you too will look like you can cook anything