6 Most Common Things That People Get Wrong about Wine

Wine is a complex and nuanced beverage that has been enjoyed for centuries. However, despite its long history, there are still many misconceptions and misunderstandings about wine that persist today. Let’s take a look the six most common things that people get wrong about wine.

  1. Expensive wine is always better than cheap wine. This is one of the most persistent myths about wine, and it simply isn’t true. While some expensive wines may be of exceptional quality, there are also many excellent wines available at more affordable prices. The key to finding a great wine is to learn about different varietals, regions, and styles, and to taste as many different wines as possible.
  2. White wine should only be served chilled and red wine should only be served at room temperature. While it is true that white wine is typically served chilled and red wine is typically served at room temperature, this isn’t a hard and fast rule. In fact, many red wines can benefit from being served slightly chilled, especially in hot weather. Additionally, many white wines can be enjoyed at a slightly warmer temperature, which can bring out more complex flavors and aromas.
  3. You should only drink wine with a meal. While wine is often enjoyed with food, it is not necessary to always drink it with a meal. Wine can be enjoyed on its own, as an aperitif or a digestif, or as a companion to a variety of different activities, such as reading, relaxing, or socializing with friends.
  4. You should always swirl your wine before drinking it. While swirling your wine can help to release its aromas, it is not always necessary. In fact, many wines are best enjoyed without swirling them at all. The key is to find the right balance between aerating the wine and allowing it to express its full range of flavors and aromas.
  5. You should always hold your wine glass by the stem. While holding your wine glass by the stem is considered proper etiquette, it is not always necessary. In fact, many wine experts prefer to hold their glass by the bowl, as it allows them to better appreciate the wine’s color, aromas, and flavors.
  6. Only certain types of wine are suitable for aging. This is another common misconception about wine. While it is true that some wines are better suited to aging than others, many different types of wine can benefit from being aged. The key to aging wine successfully is to store it in the right conditions, which typically includes a cool, dark, and humid environment.

While there are many myths and misconceptions about wine, it is important to remember that the most important thing is to find a wine that you enjoy. By learning more about different varietals, regions, and styles, and by experimenting with different wines, you can discover the wonderful world of wine and find a wine that is perfect for you.