The New Wellness Frontier: Interview with Cannaisseur Brands Los Angeles

Newly legal CBD-based and some THC cannabis or hemp-derived products are representing a broad new frontier in wellness. As part of our series, THE NEW WELLNESS FRONTIER, we interview Cannaisseur Brands of Los Angeles.

How did you come up with the company name?

I’ve been a cannabis connoisseur for over 40 years. My friends back in the day referred to me a cannabis snob and a light-weight because I refused to consume weed that hinted at smelling or tasting bad or wasn’t a pleasant experience when consumed. Hence the name “Cannaisseur Brands” products for cannaisseurs by a cannaisseur.

The CannaCauses Foundation is my way of paying it forward for surviving inoperable stage IV cancer. After several months of rigorous radiation (33x) chemotherapy (8x) and lots of cannabis oil therapy treatments I was told I miraculously had no evidence of disease. I’m now dedicated to educating others on the responsible use of cannabis and its medicinal benefits.

How did you decide to focus on CBD?

CBD is currently the most accepted, commonly unknown, least controversial legal compound from the plant that has amazing therapeutic benefits to help balance our (ECS) endocannabinoid sysytem which when healthy enables the body to heal itself the way it is designed to do naturally. However, it is imperative to note that depending on the individual, condition, history and medications taken THC can and is often equally important to the process.

Where do you source your ingredients, are they local to your base?

Over the years as a grower I have established solid relations with highly experienced cultivators. I utilize those contacts and others to produce our genetics and procure raw materials.

Do you have to describe this to people and how to use it, or do they understand it right when they see it?

Topical applications are much easier to understand verses ingesting cannabis especially for a serious condition. However, we require our retailers demonstrate their product knowledge by answering several questions and/or require key staff undergo our basic training course before we will allow them to sell our products. As for ingestible products (CannaCauses) we work with physicians and only consult patient referrals who have been medically diagnosed. In every case, we require a wellness intake form to be completed and a 1:1 consultation with us before making any product use or dosing recommendations.

Can you describe some “proven” benefits for wellness ?

CannaCauses started collecting real-world data almost 5 years ago and the benefits we’ve had reported range from helping to reduce/eliminate medications, pain, anxiety, skin conditions, lowering PSA counts, sleep, migraines and so much more.

Disclaimer: The FDA has not reviewed these comments and they are in now way intended to diagnose, treat or cure any medical condition.

Is there a large market for it?

The industry if allowed to flourish responsibility like any other market will be larger than any other industry we have seen in our lifetime.

Where are you currently available?

I’m based in Los Angeles but I speak, educate, train and do community events and interviews all over the country.

What has been the coolest part of launching?

Truly being blessed and able to help others who’ve lost HOPE because nothing else works or they’ve been misled or misinformed of their options.

What has been the hardest thing you’ve found in supporting this product line?

The pace at which this market changes and undoing all of the misinformation and hype created by those only looking to create public interest, sales and demand for personal benefit and/or status. Or when a company markets, advertise or otherwise implies CBD is the key ingredient and then use masking agents like camphor, lidocaine, menthol or a laundry list of other ingredients as the “active ingredients”.

Can people use this in food and recipes?

Yes, but at certain temperatures the chemical compounds extracted i.e. cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids can and will change rendering their potential therapeutic benefits, useless. In addition, its misleading to tout hemp Seed/Oil as “CBD”. The seed while it comes form the cannabis plant that produces the highest concentrations of CBD only have 50 parts/million of CBD, So while hemp seed may have nutritional/cosmetic value it has no “CBD” value.

What is the biggest legal issue the industry is facing?

Re-legalization, common sense regulation, taxation and the fact that it was ever criminalized and listed as a schedule 1 drug.

What are your favorite uses?

Topically, it personally eliminates the muscle spasms I get in my neck as a result of the 33 radiation treatments I underwent for cancer. As for most low-dose ingestible products I like, “taking the edge off without taking the edge off”. Kinda like having a small glass of wine or a single shot of whatever, after a stressful day…

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