Apple’s iPadOS 15 Finally Delivers an Exciting New Feature for Instagram and TikTok Users

Apple’s iPadOS 15 has a number of fantastic new features. It has been redesigned and amped up to make it even more useful as a laptop replacement for both business and personal use. 

However, one of the most exciting features is one that is way down the list, you won’t even find it if you don’t look hard for it. That is the new option that allows Instagram app users to be able to view the Instagram window in Landscape mode.

Previously on iPads an Instagram user would see the app image in only in vertical portrait mode, they could not turn it sideways while using a keyboard, and there was a lot of extra unused space. Chatting or commenting was almost impossible. It looked like the app was broken or fake, and not at all as attractive as on a phone or desktop. In sum, it was not a good user experience, very awkward.

Why didn’t Instagram make a version that fixed that? That has been the $100,000,000 question.

Fortunately now iPad owners with iPadOS 15 can view Instagram in landscape mode, aka horizontally, which means that they can see it as if it is on a laptop, or on a desktop. Plus, if they are using a keyboard add-on then they can type and post to Instagram without flipping the iPad between vertical and horizontal views every five seconds. The same is true for other popular social media apps like TikTok.

Exciting, no? Definitely time saving!