REVIEW: Root Vegetable Gratin Starter by Williams-Sonoma

When we saw the root vegetable gratin starter from Williams-Sonoma we decided to give it a try.

Fromager d’Affinois Brebicet French Cheese descends from the Alps

French cheese comes in different flavors and textures. One of our newest discoveries is Fromager d’Affinois Brebicet.

California Artisan Cheese Festival – Part 1

A visit to the annual California Artisan Cheese Festival grand tasting event, in the Northern California Sonoma Valley town of Petaluma, featuring local and national celebrity cheese makers and of course, cheese.

Per the organization: “Starting with the first festival in March 2007, this festival is the first-ever weekend-long celebration and exploration of handcrafted cheeses, foods, wines and beers from California and beyond. In our first eight years more than 20,000 attendees have met more than a dozen international award-winning cheesemakers and learned how to taste, buy, serve and enjoy distinctive artisan cheeses from the experts. The educational seminars and tastings are led by cheese experts, cheesemakers, chefs and fromagiers from across the country, and virtually every session involves tastings and/or pairings of artisan cheeses. The festival features a wide variety of artisan cheeses from California and beyond, together with their artisan bread, food, wine and beer complements.”

This feature video is excerpted from TasteTV’s weekly television series, TASTEABLE: CALIFORNIA.


Moon Cheese Snacks combine high-tech and tasty fromage

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How difficult do you think if could be to dehydrate a slice of cheese, then make it crispy and put it in a bag for the world to enjoy? Quite a bit, it turns out. So much so that a new technology had to be utilized for Moon Cheese Snacks to be created and launched.

The joint partnership that owns Moon Cheese, NutraDried, says they have “crunchified” the actual cheese in the product, which is pretty much the only ingredient: Cheddar Cheese [Pasteurized Milk, Cheese Culture, Salt, Enzymes, Annatto (Vegetable Color)].

Says the firm: “Dr. Tim Durance, Chairman and co-CEO, EnWave Corporation is the innovator behind the company’s dehydration technology. While at the University of British Columbia in 1996, Dr. Durance developed the first prototype Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV”) machine for dehydrating food and nutraceuticalsUsing patented technologies we remove only the moisture from cheese while keeping all the nutrition and flavour.”

There are currently three flavors of Moon Cheese available: American Cheddar, Pepper Jack and Gouda

There are about 200 stores in North America where you can find it, such as at Kroger’s Fred Meyer and Quality Food Centers stores across Washington, Idaho and Oregon, plus online here:

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